The quick answer is, YES!
And, it's also painless unlike other expensive treatment options like outdated PRP procedures on scalp or immediately jumping to a transplant. This device has a transepideral delivery system and imparts peptides into the scalp without pain, unlike traditional methods of PRP scalp procedures which use your own plasma injected into your scalp after micro needling and numbing. TED machines don't hurt. You feel a little warmth, some vibration and a buzzing sound and most of our clients take a little nap while it's happening.
How fast can you see results? After your second treatment about 4 weeks later results are visible. Most people notice more hair sprouting up and shed slowing. These treatments help to; anchor your hair more deeply improving the depth, increase the diameter of individual hairs, new growth of broken hairs or kenagen follicles appears and it helps slow shedding.
How often do you have to do this service to maintain the results? Clients that are working with us for trichological services are doing a multi modal approach in their hair growth protocol. Continued scalp care is one of the keys to success when dealing with hair loss. Clients can expect to do a series of 3 treatments once every year or two. Some clients have such amazing results we do them more frequently. Our recommendation is at least one to two series a year.
What's the first step to see if this option is right for me? We always start with a Tricotest. This is our chance to determine the health of your scalp and make sure you can start a series of TED treatments. We analyze your scalp, collect data and images to use as we move forward in monitoring your progress. We want the best results and the fastest progress. Results will very depending on compliance using protocol and how healthy you maintain your scalp.