CR Labs

CR Lab Green Hair Loss Prevention Preshampoo


CR Lab Green Hair Loss Prevention Preshampoo is a physical exfoliant that stimulates the scalp for proper toxin elimination. Helps reduce inflammation and reduces sweating. Antiseptic properties that balance skin flora with rich avocado oils that help lengthen the hairs life cycle. 

-Add a Preshampoo squirt bottle for easier at home application found in the tools section. 

-Apply to scalp in 1" partings and massage in. Let sit for 10 min then shower off with Green Hair Loss Prevention shampoo once or twice if necessary. Follow with conditioner then a vial or lotion applied to the scalp after towel drying.  Pre-shampoo is used before shampooing to prepare the scalp's balance for optimum hair growth. 

-Reduces micro-inflammation, reduces sebum production, nourishes the hair bulb & prolongs the anagen phase. 

Please Note; This viscosity of this product is very loose unlike other CR Lab pre-shampoos. We suggest purchasing a squirt bottle to put the pre-shampoo into. Makes at home application much easier.